Sports Drinks... The real deal.

Sport drinks vs good old plain H2O. Many parents may be misinformed about sport drinks. Advertising on TV is a major cause of the misinformation for parents.  Here are some real facts about both. 

For the average child believe it or not, water and a healthy routine of eating vegetables or fruit is more than enough to keep your child hydrated and healthy. Vegetables have natural sources of many essential vitamins and minerals that help keep your body and mind growing.

Some facts about sport drinks might surprise you. Here is a comparison between a can of Coke and Gatorade Cool Blue.

Gatorade 710ml  Coke 355ml

Calories 180                  140   

Sugar 42g (8.52 tsp)     39g (7.91 tsp)

Sodium 300mg             45mg

Carbohydrate 45g         39g

Potassium 80mg            0mg

Caffine      0mg              approx. 40mg (=half cup coffee)


If you look at the above data you will see that the only difference between Coke and Gatorade is the amount of sodium and potassium. Those are 2 minerals that can be lost due to sweat during vigorous activity. Its recommended children only consume sport drinks after at minimum one hour of activity such as sporting games, biking, hiking, running, cycling, swimming, etc. The amount of sugar for the average child is very un healthy in both products. Sugar in that amount can lead to weight gain which can cause health problems for children and adults alike.  Please choose your child's hydration methods wisely!